Hello there!

Today I'm going to tell you why I am your choice for a better leader.

For the past few days we've all been pretty disorganised. Even me. It's shocking I know. We now need to get up from our butts and stand up and do something, instead of waiting for someone to do it for us.

We've all been fending for ourselves and now it's time for us to stand together. The island could have more hidden treasures and if you choose me as your leader we can find a solution for getting off this island and survivng like civilised Tallis kids.

As your leader I'll make sure everyone is organised and happy and has a job to do. Those of you who loved food tech, you can be a cook. Those of you who are good at constructing things, you can be our builders. Those of you who are good at cleaning can be the cleaners and washerupers. And those that are good at looking after people and tending wounds and bathing them can be doctors.

I'll also keep you calm, I'll give you advice and I'll listen to you and we'll get thorugh this dilemma and take control. Everyone one of you are talented and if come together it'll be the best. Vote for me and guarantee you will get home in one piece. Thank you.


Very,Very,Very,Very good

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The amazing story of how class 7MW from Thomas Tallis School (Greenwich, London, UK) ended up stranded on a desert island and lived to tell their tales.