Dear Diary
Today is day 1 week 1 month 1 year 1 time once again no clue
The island is so hot like the love of my life. The sound of the waves the breeze on my face. the cool cool water running down my face as i walk. The smell of the salty water, the sound of the tropical plants and animals. The sound in between my toes it fells like the best hoilday ever. Any way moving on thw warmth like the blanket covering me the sky the sea both so blue.cant see where one stops and were they end the palms so high they are touching the sky.The warm all day and night the freash smell all the time.the tast of coconut.the sound of the warm wind ticking the trees even the seaweed dont make me sick.all the colours both same and diffrent,the sun a punch you need to faint,the air a breath you nee to take,the sand you need to sroke, the water you need to poke ,the coconut you must drink,the nice and quiet lets think. sand on your skin warm water too hot sun on you face,why thers no need to race.wind in the trees waves ofr the sea this lovly palce ful of loving care.
opened coconuts seaweed too like a freash smelling kiwi sound good to you colours plantssea and sky theres not a day ive flown so high.
other people on my minde of them i can not find.
very good
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