My friends! I know you have been strugerling on this island, but i am here to make every thing a whole lot easier and a whole lot more fun. I am here today to tell you why i think i should be your new leader.

Since we arrived here we have been beset by problems. For example, we have not made any signs of survival so, if a boat or a plane comes by, no one will see us. On the other hand, if you elect me as leader i promise to build a signal fire so other people can see us.

Also i will make sure that we all get enough fresh water and fresh food to last us the whole time were on this island. We will survive, so long as we all work together as a team. No matter what happens i will look after you and make shore your safe and that you have a shelter over your head!



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The amazing story of how class 7MW from Thomas Tallis School (Greenwich, London, UK) ended up stranded on a desert island and lived to tell their tales.